Buttle's World

10 July, 2008

Remembering Michael Monsoor

Filed under: Posts — clgood @ 21:07

This is not new news, but I had not seen this photo before. For a thorough tribute, see this on BLACKFIVE.

During Petty Officer Mike Monsoor’s funeral here in San Diego, as Mike’s coffin was being moved from the hearse to the grave site at Ft Rosecrans National Cemetery, SEALs were lined up on both sides of the pallbearers route forming a column of two’s with the coffin moving up the center. As the Mike’s coffin passed, each SEAL, having removed his gold Trident from his uniform, slapped it down embedding the Trident in the wooden coffin; the slaps were audible from across the cemetery; by the time the coffin arrived grave side, it looked as though it had a gold inlay from all the Tridents pinned to it.

Here’s the photo, which my mom forwarded via email:


  1. This should be on the front page of every paper in the US! It’s sad that when a service member gives their life to save others and in service to people that they will never meet that it isn’t “news”.

    Comment by S — 9 August, 2008 @ 20:35

  2. This young man was a Navy SEAL. He wasn’t a Petty Officer who saved a group of SEALS, he was one of the group! To inaccurately describe his service is to dishonor him.
    Reliable sources all over the internet say that Michael Monsoor was among a group of SEALS in a fight in Ramadi. Monsoor was the only one of the group who could’ve escaped harm from the fragment grenade that landed at their position, but he instead chose to shield his comrades from the blast, which did save everyone but him.
    The details of the funeral are correct, but let’s honor him properly by calling him a SEAL.
    That in itself is no easy accomplishment and it doesn’t make the story less dramatic.

    Comment by Gayle — 21 February, 2009 @ 7:03

  3. According to navyseals.com Monsoor, who was a SEAL with Team Three, held the rank of Petty Officer Second Class

    So no dishonor intended.

    Comment by buttle — 22 February, 2009 @ 21:58

  4. […] Remembering Michael Monsoor July 2008 3 comments 5 […]

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