Buttle's World

4 March, 2009

Well, it was fun while it lasted

Filed under: Posts — clgood @ 22:37

Seems that my coworkers and I have been replaced.

I’m thinking I need to write a real screenplay for this format…

This could only make schools better

Filed under: Posts — clgood @ 16:54

Charles West has a plan.

“Our schools are orderly, sanitary places where students dwell in blissful ignorance of the chaos that awaits,” West said. “Should our facilities be repaired? No, they must be razed to the ground and rebuilt in the image of the Cyclopean dwellings of the Elder Gods, the very geometry of which will drive them to be possessed by visions of the realms beyond.

Thinking Outside the Box

Filed under: Posts — clgood @ 15:22

Some thinking from the Cato Institute on a market-based solution to healthcare costs.

So how does health-status insurance work? As Cochrane explains, “Market-based lifetime health insurance has two components: medical insurance and health-status insurance. Medical insurance covers your medical expenses in the current year, minus deductibles and copayments. Health-status insurance covers the risk that your medical premiums will rise.” Cochrane offers the example of a 25-year-old who will likely incur $2,000 in medical expenses in a year. His medical policy component would thus cost about $2,000 per year, plus administrative fees and profit. For purposes of illustration, Cochrane then assumes the 25-year-old has a 1 percent risk of developing a chronic medical condition that would increase his average medical expenses to $10,000 per year. In that case, he would be able to buy medical insurance for $10,000 per year—which is a big financial hit. That’s where health-status insurance comes in: It insures that you can be insured in the future.

Frankly, this is thinking inside the box, just inside the right box for once, not the box full of crap that doesn’t work.

Shake Your Tail Feather

Filed under: Posts — clgood @ 10:20

Especially if you have one.

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